To be simple or not to be simple – that is the thing

Software development is a complex thing. To get the best results, to arrive at the desired vision, requires a lot of simplicity. Some of the best apps and software tools are very simple to use. Canary is a fantastic example of this. Simple and effective. It just works.

I am not sure why being simple is so challenging, but it is. As that old saying goes, “I would send you a shorter email but I don’t have time”. Yes, it is easier to send a long-winded email that goes nowhere, but constructing a well-worded, clear message takes a lot more effort.

Perhaps this is where real genius can be found. I’ve been reflecting on the topic for a while and here are the rules that help me simplify my work life:


As an entrepreneur, I always juggle many activities. Attracting good people, finding customers, marketing, finances, making sure the service and products are excellent, and so much more. The only way to effectively achieve good results is to trust and empower people. Your team members must be better than you in certain areas. And don’t forget to give clear instructions.

I remember in the early days of IS. When there were just a handful of us we did everything, and I mean everything. And of course, it also meant that we all knew everything about what was going on. And I mean everything. But this cannot scale, and when, for example, a person joined us to head up marketing, some of the original small team felt that they were out of the loop. And actually, that is good. You can’t do everything (if that is what you did in the beginning). As a venture grows more and more people will come on board - let them do what they do best, and trust people. 

Early IS days


Very often we get bogged down on things that are not important. It is easy to be busy all day with stuff that is not important. Spend an hour planning your week and you will see how fulfilling it is to do what matters. It gives us more energy to be doing important things. It is easy to fall into the trap of being busy with unimportant tasks.

I love storytelling and for the past 20 years, I have been trying to champion indie film projects. Our documentary project about Ukraine has been going on for over 5 years and it will be over soon. Films are like complex software. Many talented people need to come together to get a film made. Everyone needs to do what they do best, and everyone needs to trust each other, and there needs to be clear and effective communication. As the leader of this film team on our Ukraine project I need to plan each week and make sure that all the details are being taken care of. A film, like software, is all about details. If you have ever read a Stephen Covey book, then you will know all about being proactive and about doing what is important.  The matrix below is a good guiding light - it is very simple. Simple is good.


Switch off your phones, and switch everything off. There are so many digital distractions in the world today that everyone is so wired. Social media, in my view, was fun at first, but it has become a toxic waste of time. I am very happy I am out of FB and IG. It’s a blessing, believe me. Less noise and more space to think.


Leading people, creating software and entrepreneurship can exhaust you. Dealing with challenges and problems is not easy on the soul. If you are tired then get some rest. Never make big decisions when you are exhausted. And always remember: make small decisions with your head and big decisions with your heart. Small decisions affect only you, but big decisions affect other people. And it is always about people.

Having coffee with the best PYGIO team in Kyiv, Ukraine

Own your problems

We all often have to deal with problems. When something goes wrong don’t run away from the problem. Nothing is worse than being unavailable when something goes wrong. Don’t turn off your phone when people need you the most. Be responsive and be honest. People will forgive an honest mistake but no one likes an unresponsive person. Don’t try and talk your way out of a problem. Be responsible. Be accountable. Be truthful. Say what you mean and mean what you say. This will make your life much simpler.

Dealing with people is not the most simple thing. Here are a few tips that mentors have shared with me over the years:

  • It is better to be interested than interesting
  • Ask questions
  • Listen
  • Be sincere
  • Remember, personality opens doors, but character keeps them open

There will be no big conclusion. I am trying to keep it simple and to the point

About the author:

Ronnie Apteker, Co-founder of PYGIO, Senior Advisor

Ronnie is a founder of one of SA’s first ISP’s, Internet Solutions, in 1993. This is the root of Ronnie’s strong corporate relationships with Dimension Data and the SA corporate ecosystem.

“My career journey has been about building corporate relationships. This new vision is all about relationship building, building trust, and going the extra mile.”

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